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Thursday, May 4, 2023

2 + 2 = 5?

You are being brainwashed.

Yep, in the tradition of Big Brother, in George Orwell's novel "1984," you are being and have been brainwashed.

How? Primarily by our easy adoption of secular values and philosophy. Most religious people are included in this group.

Most people do not "pick" their philosophy. It is simply the way that we grew up and were marinated in the popular philosophy of the time. For our current generation, that philosophy is primarily secular philosophy. The problem is that philosophy ends up being how we can "rationally" make sense of things. That is primarily where you see the divide in our times. The people who make sense to you are those who share your philosophy. Yes, there are crossover points, depending on the philosophy.

However, we are specifically being targeted for brainwashing. It is done through getting us to accept that something is true, which goes against reality. In our case, it isn't the old 2+2=5, but the thought that a man can be a woman, or a woman can be a man, or any other number of "genders." It is diametrically opposed to the reality of the Bible, that God created us man and woman. 

This isn't to deny that there are genuine gender dysphoric people out there who from an early age have felt the opposite of the sex they are given to them. But is the solution to that situation to deny biology? Or is it best for the person to live as a feminine man or a masculine girl? I'll leave that for a doctor and the person involved to decide. 

But the truth is that such gender dysphoria is is a relatively rare situation. It is traditionally marked by a very early sense of being in the wrong body, however, it is also true that many of such people outgrow that sense and settle into a long, happy, and productive life.

That said, the exception never violates the rule. Which is that most people born in this world are born either male or female. And it is true that many of them in today's world never considered that they were in the wrong body, that is, until someone through peer pressure, or an authority figure in their life told them that they could be, even should be the opposite sex. And why would they say that? Primarily because a person has some personality characteristics of the opposite sex. Which has little to nothing to do with whether you are a man or a woman.

On top of that, this denial of reality has resulted in people's lives being ruined by surgeries and the like, in a vain attempt to become the other sex. So much so, that the suicide rate is astronomically high within the trans-community.

We could go on and on about the problems of this approach. But the underlying issue is that for some on the far-left radical wing of the party, one man and one woman equals any number of genders. Including referring to a him as a her and a her as a him. 

"But Rick, that is just basic courtesy to refer to people as what they want to be called. And why can't we? Who does it really hurt"

The answer is that it will hurt all of us spiritually, and women and children physically. Because words have meanings. Meanings that should reflect reality as God created it to be. Because 2 + 2 = 4, not 5. And to submit to agreeing that a man is a woman or a woman is a man, or whatever other gender they may claim to be, is to be brainwashed, and "Big Brother" has won another disciple to its cause. 

While not completely analogous, it is like those Christians in the early church who, despite what they knew to be true, would tend to confess that Jesus was not God in the flesh, in order to avoid persecution and possibly death. It was considered "bad" because they were agreeing with the emperor that 2 + 2 = 5. They agreed with the emperor all the while throwing Jesus and His reality "under the bus."

That is how we are buying into the false reality that the trans-community is saying is really true. That is how we are being brainwashed.

The next question is what are we going to do about it? I can only tell you what I am going to do: I will try to the best of my ability to respectfully avoid using any pronoun when referring to a "trans"-person. I won't be mean about it, nor intend to do so with the intention to offend or hurt such a one, but I cannot participate in their worldview without denying my own. Without denying God's reality.

That's because 2 + 2 will always and forever more equal 4, not 5.

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